Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Seminar aims to help, not hurt

GREEN LEVEL, NC--The local fire department has adopted an alternative – and controversial - method to educate citizens on fireworks safety prior to this Fourth of July. In the past, officials have reminded adults and children of former accidents involving fireworks to convey their message. This year, they’re not depending on hindsight.

“Instead of telling kids how dangerous these things can be, we’re going to show them,” said Chief Craig Wilson. The fire department has arranged multiple safety seminars during which children will be handed lit fireworks to demonstrate different safety issues.

Some seminar participants will be handed fireworks that will explode prematurely in the hand, said Wilson. Other fireworks will shoot sparks, lighting nearby clothing and hair on fire. “It’ll grow back,” said Wilson of the eyebrows some participants will lose. “Kids are resilient.”

Wilson said he’s been fielding several phone calls and emails from parents who are concerned their children will be placed in danger during the seminars. However, he maintains a strict protocol will be followed throughout the seminars, and emergency medical professionals will be on site.

To further ensure the seminars’ safety, Wilson said each demonstration has been practiced multiple times on a “willing member of our department,” and with apparent success. Tim Flaghart, a volunteer firefighter at the Green Level Fire Department, has been on the receiving end of 12 practiced fireworks malfunctions, and still has all of his fingers.

“It’s definitely fun to be playing with fireworks at work,” said Flaghart. “Though I’m missing a patch of hair near my left ear.” Flaghart also suffered second-degree burns on his left ear during last week’s spark-shooting demonstration practice, but said he’s more concerned about his hair.

“It’s what gets all the ladies,” Flaghart said, winking out of his remaining good eye.

Fireworks safety seminars will be held Friday, July 1 through Wednesday July 3 at 7 p.m. each evening at Station 1. The seminars are open to all citizens of Green Level, and are encouraged to wear loose-fitting clothing to the event.

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